This is the time of year in Florida where you should already have your seeds planted to get ready for the fall growing season. Last year I tried growing various plants from seeds with mixed success and many lessons were learned the hard way (of course).
What I learned is the seeds need a place to grow where they won't get too much moisture and will get enough sunlight but not so much that it roasts them. One option that was used put plastic covers over the containers with seedlings. It worked somewhat ok but turn your back on this setup for a moment and you'll find cooked seedlings or seedlings covered in mold. What I've been considering for some time is to build a miniature greenhouse type structure. Something that will allow sunlight and also protect the seedlings from rainstorms. A structure that's well ventilated but one that can be closed in somewhat during any cold spells that we may get in the winter. Also the structure had to be made with all the pieces of lumber and scrap wood I had laying around the beefarm.
Mini Greenhouse |
Happy seedlings |
After considering dozens of designs, I ruled out a free standing structure because I didn't have enough 2x4's for that. I could have driven to the store and picked up a couple but I wanted to get this project rolling. And by attaching the structure to the shed, it required less lumber as it was able to use the shed for one side. Plus the shed sheltered it from wind. The final greenhouse came out better than I imagined and works great. The only regret is I didn't make it 3" higher because I keep banging my head when I go in and out. Oh well.
Greenhouse made from recycled materials |
Everything is growing like mad on the BeeFarm. Seedlings are starting out nice, Okra is over 5' tall and producing quite a bit of okra. Moringa trees have skyrocketed so we can start harvesting Moringa. Citrus trees are doing well and a new group of wildflowers are blooming in the Bee and Butterfly Garden.
Bee and Butterfly Garden |
Oranges |
Okra growing like crazy |
Papaya trees are starting to settle down after the transplant |
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